Are you familiar with the acronym NIMBY?
It stands for “not in my backyard” and refers to the phenomenon of people wanting or needing certain things, like cell phone towers or roads or shopping centers, but not wanting them to be too close. “Put that in someone else’s neighborhood,” the thinking goes, “Just not in mine.”
The tension between residential and commercial real estate development seems to be increasing Dr. Phillips, where Unicorp National Developments Inc. recently had to make significant changes to a planned development to soothe local concerns.
Unicorp had originally planned a development on Sand Lake Road called The Falls on Sand Lake that would have included restaurants, shops and a Trader Joe’s, but residents complained bitterly about its size and worried that it would attract too much traffic and would generate too much noise and light pollution.
Acting on these concerns, the local planning commission voted The Falls on Sand Lake down in March.
Unicorp regrouped, scaled the project down and added a park that would serve as a buffer between the development and people’s homes. Unicorp clearly hopes this will be enough to put residents’ minds at ease, but whether it is remains to be seen.
In our law firm, we often assist commercial real estate clients, so we know how important it is to make sure that a given community is supportive of a project. Without the backing of a community’s residents, local officials are not likely to grant their approval or view things like requests for variances favorably
Source: The Orlando Business Journal, “Unicorp’s revamped Dr. Phillips prokect faces renewed opposition,” Anjali Fluker, May 13, 2013
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