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Will My Trucking Accident Case Go To Trial? Answers From Orlando Truck Accident Attorneys

A personal injury accident involving a commercial truck comes with a lot of unknowns. Working with experienced Orlando truck accident attorneys is the best way to get the justice that you deserve.

Trucking accidents are often more severe than accidents involving smaller passenger vehicles, and with these accidents come injuries that can have a serious impact on your life. If you have been in an accident with a commercial truck, you may be facing large medical bills, extended therapy and medical care to recover from your injuries, and even the inability to return to the work you once did.

What are your options in this situation? The Orlando truck accident attorneys at Carr Law Firm are here to help you pursue compensation for your injuries, coverage for your medical bills, restitution for lost wages, and more

Will My Trucking Accident Case Go To Trial?

The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that just 4% of personal injury cases go to trial, so it is more likely that your case will be settled outside of the courtroom. If your case can be settled without going to trial, having experienced legal representation will help you recover fair and full compensation for your losses.

But if your case does need to go to trial, you need to have experienced legal representation

What Can I Expect From A Trucking Accident Settlement? Orlando Truck Accident Attorneys

Since most trucking accident claims can be resolved without a lawsuit, you may be wondering what to expect. Since personal injury accidents can cause both economic and non-economic damages, it is important to work with an experienced attorney who can accurately determine a fair settlement amount. Your attorney will negotiate a settlement offer on your behalf with the insurance company.

What Happens If My Claim Goes To Court?

Your Orlando truck accident attorneys can help you to determine if filing a lawsuit is in your best interest. If your case does go to trial, both parties will appear in the courtroom and present evidence, and examine witnesses before a jury. The jury will reach a verdict, and the judge will read their decision and enter a judgment.  

Sometimes it is preferable to settle a claim related to a personal injury from a trucking accident out of the courtroom, and that will be one of the options explored by the attorneys at Carr Law Firm

Carr Law Firm: Your Orlando Truck Accident Attorneys

Our attorneys are highly aware of how a truck accident can change your life forever, which is why we will always aggressively represent injured victims and their families against multibillion-dollar insurance companies. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you.

Mon Nov 29, 10:33pm

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