How Will I Pay My Medical Bills? An Apopka Truck Accident Injury Lawyer Can Help You Fight For Compensation
Tractor-trailer accidents are known to cause severe, lifelong injuries or even death. If you have sustained an injury, an Apopka truck accident injury lawyer can help you obtain the compensation you need.
Life changes drastically when you are the victim of a trucking accident that results in a personal injury. In fact, trucking accidents are more likely to cause catastrophic injuries than those involving a car. An Apopka truck accident injury lawyer, like those at Carr Law Firm, can offer support and legal help if you are involved in an accident that results in:
- Spinal cord injuries
- Herniated discs
- Brain injuries
- Neck injuries
- Bone fractures
- Other serious injuries
Paying Your Medical Bills With The Help Of An Apopka Truck Accident Injury Lawyer
With catastrophic injuries come tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills. You may also be facing time off of work to recover from your injuries. Some victims of personal injury accidents are never able to work again.
Many truck accident victims will only receive compensation for damage to vehicles, but an attorney will fight for compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, pain, and suffering.
How Your Attorney Can Help Prove Negligence
A successful personal injury claim will prove that the careless actions of the truck driver, the trucking company, or the parts manufacturer were the cause of the accident. To gather evidence that supports your case, your attorney will:
- Review reports from law enforcement agencies
- Interview witnesses
- Determine if the truck driver and trucking company were following state and federal trucking regulations
- Collect statements from medical professionals
- And more
With legal representatives who have extensive experience with trucking accident cases, you can focus on resting and healing – your attorney will build your case.
How Much Will My Truck Accident Settlement Payment Be?
After the investigation phase of your case is complete, your Orlando truck accident injury lawyer will file a claim. The claim will detail the total amount of damages
Your attorney will then negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to try to come to an agreement regarding your settlement amount. This amount will be dependent on the extent of your injuries if you have any permanent disabilities resulting from the accident, the extent of the negligence of the driver or the trucking company, and many other factors.
Carr Law Firm: Orlando Truck Accident Injury Lawyers You Can Trust
As a boutique law firm, each of our clients is treated with individualized care. We offer a free initial consultation and handle all personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning you will not pay any attorney fees or costs until we are able to obtain compensation on your behalf. Contact us today to discuss the details of your case.